Monthly Archives: February 2013

Episode #50 Knife Care

Episode #50 Knife Care

On the 50th episode of the BHK Outdoor Radio podcast the guys talk about knives! Dan discusses the origins of the February Special— the Buster D. LT explains why big isn’t always better when it comes to knives.

Brought to you by Blind Horse Knives. For more info visit

Episode #49 Axe vs. Machete

Episode #49 Axe vs. Machete

Choosing the right tool isn’t always easy. This week on BHK Outdoors Radio, LT and Dan discuss how to choose between an axe and a machete and how to make sure it’s the right one for the job.

Brought to you by Blind Horse Knives. For more info visit

Episode #48 Hovey Smith

Episode #48 Hovey Smith

Today on BHK Outdoor Radio, Dan and LT are joined by author Hovey Smith. Hovey is a life-long hunter who produces videos, podcasts, a radio show and 15 books all about hunting and the outdoors.

Brought to you by BHK Outdoors. For more info visit

Episode #47 Schizophrenic Weather

Episode #47 Schizophrenic Weather

Crazy weather, huh? How do you prepare when you can’t predict the weather? LT, Dan and Mike the producer talk about how they get ready for the outdoors even when they don’t know what to expect. They also discuss the one thing they always have on them no matter what.

Brought to you by BHK Outdoors. For more info visit